Thursday, 29 March 2012


Another modeling job i got given was to model an R2D2 for a short scene in the animation where he gets into a falling out with the Megazord (to put it mildly) Currently im having a few issues with the textured of R2D2 in which the textures dont seem to want to stay where i put them, also i seem to be having a clipping issue on the model itself. This issue appears to be linked with camera settings and i think i have found a solution which involves importing the whole mesh into another scene.
                                        a few of the panels on the chassis still need some work


With our new plan set in motion myself and Nathan split the revised tasks up between ourselves. Nathan got cracking with the Unwrapping of the models so they could be textured accurately. I was tasked with modeling an interior warehouse scene for the final credit roll of the animation. The hardest part of the scene was the conveyor belts with which the Megazord will be interacting. At first i wasn't sure how i would even begin to make the conveyor belts but after a bit of a search on Google i found a few very useful tutorials.

                                          both the conveyor belts fully rigged and ready to go
                                                                The warehouse floor

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

The Megazord gets a job

Our rebooted designs for the animation now center around the megazord a while after his career with the power rangers is over and it gives a humorus insight into the rough patch of the megazords life while he was out of work and rock bottom. The animation begins with the megazord transformation being played, which then szooms out into t reveal a TV. It zooms out further to show that the TV is on a desk positioned outside, right near a werehouse. The megazord is sat on the werehouse being interviewed for a job by a normal size human. the interviewer begins to ask questions regard the megazords past work experience etc. The megazord then proceeds to lie about his past to the interview and when doing so the camera cuts to memories the megazord would rather forget. E/g proping himself up against big ben whilst he urinates up against the houses of parliment while drunk, booting R2D2 into orbit after a falling out and standing in line at the job center waiting for his dole money. eventually the megazord gets the job and as the credits run you see the megazord sitting in a factors whilst he picks up cars from one conveyor belt, sticking number plates onto them, then placing them on a parallel conveyor belt moving in the opposite direction. this action continues for the entierity of the credits. the joke here being that the interviewer is making it out like the megazord will be getting a job in the millitary but instead he ends up working at a car factory. hard times for the megazord.


After much discussion with our university tutors myself and nathan realised that by just doing an animation entierly as a piece of homage to the Megazord would be a bad idea. We then proceeded to sit down and rethink our entire project. All was not lost however as we managed to salvage three out of the four Zords and the project has now become significantly easier in the long run regardless of the disheartening setback.

Friday, 2 March 2012


After much discussion about the direction of the T-Rex we eventually decided to scrap the original model and go back to the drawing boards. Nathan began drawing up different designs which incorporated different methods of transformation for the T-Rex zord so we could experiment with how it would combine with the others.

                                                                  Nathans Design
           Original Toy

As you can tell from comparing the two images above, Nathans radical re-design is both more effective in terms of combat efficiency if the T-Rex Zord were real and also infinitely more stylish. He also embedded a biological feel to the Zord by adding in artificial muscle mass.

                                                              T-Rex Zord Mesh